Our Worship



Go in as soon as you are ready—there is no pre-arranged seating.

Worship is entered in silence.

The silence of our meeting creates the opportunity for every participant to seek that inner stillness where divine truth may be experienced. Each person who enters the meeting room contributes to the spiritual seeking which is the purpose of our waiting in silence.


As Quakers, we believe that spirit-led listening is perhaps the most important task of the worshiper.

From time to time, Friends may be moved to speak. Sometimes, no one will speak during our time together. This is called a gathered Meeting.

When this happens, we believe that the silence itself becomes eloquent of our gathering together in spiritual unity.


We believe there is that of God in every person and that each of us can sense the Inner Light. Our worship is subject to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We remain silent and un-programmed, trusting that the Spirit will move us. Use this time to center into an inward stillness.



 We believe that each person holds a piece of the Truth, Spoken messages come from the spiritual depth of one's life and from the leading of the Holy Spirit. To be absorbed, each message needs to be followed with a period of silence which allows for deepening. Meeting is a time apart from conversation.


Meeting for Worship will typically last about one hour, although we are not bound by the clock.   Someone will break Meeting by saying Good morning, Friends. When this happens, we will greet one another with a handshake. Often there will then be an opportunity for joys and sorrows or afterthoughts. This is a time to share thoughts that have not risen to expression during the silence. Announcements then follow this.

Finally, we gather in the social room for refreshments and fellowship. Those on Zoom continue fellowship with one another.

Please note that we take public health very seriously. While we do enjoy some traditional practices, like the handshake or gathering in the social room, this may be altered at times when necessary.


During Meeting for Worship

We understand that our meetings may be a bit different than what you’re used to. To help you ease into this transition, here are a few things that you can expect during our Silent Meetings.

Meeting for Worship will typically last about one hour, although we are not bound by the clock.

There is no prearranged seating. You may enter as soon as you are ready. The silence of our meeting creates the opportunity for every participant to seek that inner stillness where divine truth may be experienced. Each person who enters the meeting room contributes to the spiritual seeking which is the purpose of our waiting in silence.

From time to time, if moved by the spirit, people may give spoken testimony. They may stand or remain seated. After a person has spoken, we observe an interval of silence to fully experience the message.

Meeting is a time apart from conversation. Sometimes, no one will speak during our time together. This is called a gathered Meeting. When this happens, we believe that the silence itself becomes eloquent of our gathering together in spiritual unity.

After our time is up, someone will break Meeting by saying Good morning, Friends. When this happens, we will greet one another with a handshake. Often there will then be an opportunity for joys and sorrows or afterthoughts. This is a time to share thoughts that have not risen to expression during the silence. This is then followed by announcements.

Finally, we gather in the social room for refreshments and fellowship.

Please note that we take public health very seriously. While we do enjoy some traditional practices, like the handshake or gathering in the social room, this may be altered at times when necessary.


  • Meetings are conducted every Sunday at 10am. Meeting for Worship lasts for approximately one hour. It begins when the first person settles into worship and concludes with the shaking of hands.

  • Our address is 2201 Riverton Road, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077. If you are looking for an inclusive worship community in Southern New Jersey, please consider joining us.

  • Yes! Our recurring Zoom Meeting can be found here.

    Meeting ID: 814 8948 9056 Passcode: 649380

  • Those gathering in person are welcome to enjoy fellowship in the Social Room. Those joining us on Zoom do not miss out on the time for fellowship. Our Zoom room will remain open for online fellowship.

  • Please do not be held back by inexperience in the Quaker community. We are a proud mix of newcomers, long-time attendees, and members. Whether you stop by briefly with us or stay and become part of our community, you are welcome wherever you are on your spiritual journey.

  • You are welcome to click on the links provided for more information. You can also reach out to us by phone at (856) 829-7569. Someone from our inclusive worship community will be happy to answer any questions you may have.